Friday, April 22, 2016

Re-engaging Students

Spring can sure be a tricky time of year. As the weather warms up, students are playing outside more after school and their weekends are full of activities. Many arrive to school tired. It's also testing season - ITBS, NWEA, FAST - yikes! Students are expected to sit for extended periods of time and work really hard in isolation. It's no wonder many teachers are looking for ways to re-engage their students.

I just came across a fantastic SHORT blog post by Pernille Ripp. You can read it HERE. Pernille is currently a middle school English teacher, but has taught 4th and 5th grades. She has written a few books on student engagement. You may also recognize her name as the creator of the Global Read Aloud.

Her blog post lists several easy things teachers can do to re-engage students. None of them are amazingly new ideas, for the list includes some oldies, but goodies such as changing locations or adding movement. But I had forgotten about the power of music to re-engage (or if needed, the opposite, calm an excited class!) It's simply a great refresher list. After you check it out, please let me know if you'd like to chat about incorporating any of the ideas in your classroom.
I'm happy to help out anyway I can!  

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