Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hook 'em with Humor

Looking for an easy, quick way to grab student's attention at the beginning of a lesson? Hook 'em with a funny photo! I like to have pictures, such as the ones below, projected on the screen as students walk in the room. It sets a positive tone for the class and piques the students' interest as to "What are we going to learn today?" I have found Pinterest to be a great way to search for and store my favorite funny finds.

Do you have any funny favorite images you use with students? 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Off To A Great Start!

I used to sorta hate the beginning of the school year - going over expectations and routines, activities for getting to know each other's names, and all the beginning of the year assessments. UGH! I always wanted to fast forward a few weeks, when we'd be into the curriculum, and I could just TEACH. I wanted to get going, there are pacing guides, for goodness sakes!

But, watching you all at BW, I feel differently. I see how you are taking your time to explicitly teach procedures, and explaining not just what to do, but why. You know time invested now will save instructional time later. You are building stamina with students in everything from reading quietly, writing continually, and frankly, sitting up straight at a desk in a hard chair, too! You are getting to know your students, building relationships, and making connections. Is there anything more important thing than that?

I will start sharing tips and strategies in my next blog. Right now, I simply wanted to say kudos to you all. We're off to a great start at Bowman Woods.